FM23 | Ingolstadt 04 | Hardcore Mode

Football Manager 2023 Ingolstadt 04 Hardcore Mode

In the spirit of Football Manager Stories, I’ve composed a running narrative for my Football Manager 2023 project with FC Ingolstadt 04.

I’m playing this project in hardcore mode, using a skin that removes all stars and attributes, and am focusing as much as possible on realism.

For the ease of navigation and reading, I’ve included links to each chapter below.


#1: Settling In

#2: A Balancing Act

#3: Youth Movement

#4: Early Test

#5: Local Cup

#6: Will We Ever Score?

#7: Rebuilding

#8: Wonderkids Anonymous

#9: Raiding Bayern

#10: We Finally Scored!

#11: Turning It Around?

#12: Team Cohesion

#13: Crisis Mode?

#14: Relegation Zone

#15: The Downward Spiral


This story continues with a flash of light and a move to the other side of the planet. Please see Yanbian Beatbox for further posts.